Exenthia Mediterranea "Pietre Preziose"

Silky Milk

with Pink Quartz, Gallic Rose Extract, Rosehip Oil, Hydrergy, Silk Proteins and Vitamin C

Refined Light Softening, Silkening and Illuminating 

Old Gallic Rose extract and Rosehip Oil characterize this unique body lotion thanks to their amazing soothing and remineralizing properties.

Intense pleasure for the skin, that restores hydration and balance, energy and vitality. Meanwhile, Silk Proteins and a derivative of an alga from Hawaiian lakes illuminate and revitalize the skin, while Pink Quartz conveys relaxation and harmony.

Finally, it is a special touch of Vitamin C that carries out an anti-aging action to keep the skin tissue of the whole body young for longer. 

Suggested price

20.00 €


200 ml

EAN code 8032706445894